Chaos Chao
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The Outline

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The Outline Empty The Outline

Post by Amy Chao Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:37 pm

Name: Francis (Shalo) Juraquai

Creature Type: Vampire Bat

Gender: Male

Planet: Yami

Likes: Flirting, sexy times, drinking, *exercising at the gym, going on dates, spending his brothers money, girls, guys, pervy mags, partying, rave parties, the clubs, *eating healthy, *reading, pissing people off, racing, and winning.

Note (*): Things he does on his own time without people to see him doing so.

Dislikes: When girls play hard to get, Sei restricting his fun, children, Mikihisa, nagging, being blamed for something when its not his fault, Rio, serious people, bright lights, loud noises.

Personality: Shalo is the type of guy who purposely acts like a douchbag, he doesn't care what others think of him. Purposely goes out of his way to annoy some people. Messes around with anything he can get his paws on, male or female. Is cocky and proud of who he is and isn't willing to hide it. Usually out and about at a club or party, has little disregard for others feelings. To others he only seems to care about himself, but those that know him well know his soft side and know that he can be caring too, be it rarely.

Family: Sei (brother), Noxie (daughter)

Relationships: Kira (on and off)

-Incredibly fast
-Smarter than he looks
-Physically strong
-Can fly
-Can use sonic screeching frequencies to attack or locate someone
-Sharp hearing
-Good reflexes
-Also very good at pissing people off

-if a fight drags on too long he gives up
-not very strong magic wise
-Looses interest after a short time
-Sometimes quick tempered

Physical Weakness:

Instrument of choice: Base

Physical Capability/Abilities

Stats: If we used 12 (*)s

Strength: 4 (med high)

Defense: 3 (med)

Magic: 0 (low)

Agility: 5 (high)


Shalo trains on his own time, doesnt have a teacher, and isn't much of a fighter, doesn't really care to fight much, even though he has the potential to.

Weapon of choice (If any): n/a

Basic abilities: Extremely fast, can fly, basic martial arts, screeching attacks

Advanced abilities: Vampire bite that drains energy, Loud disabling screeching that can paralyze some chao, speedy attacks that can pierce through some defenses.

Last edited by Amy Chao on Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Amy Chao
Amy Chao

Number of posts : 113
Location : Within the rising dead
Job/hobbies : I love my car |3
Rank : Smexy Veteran
Registration date : 2008-01-19

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The Outline Empty Re: The Outline

Post by Amy Chao Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:27 pm

-Basic Info-

What is your Full name? Shalo, Francis (gives interviewer a threatening look) Juraquai

Do you have any nicknames/Alias? Shay, but some people call me Sexy, Handsome, and douchbag >Razz

How old are you? 24

What is your favorite color? Dark Red

What is your favorite food? I'm on a very ... Eh you could say strict diet, primarily consists of blood And veggies... What you don't expect to look this good -points at self- and eat crap now do you ?

What is your least favorite foods? Sugary treats I suppose

What is your favorite drink? I like a variety of them, I'm not picky, I'd say whatever fits the mood, but most of the drinks go to the ladies -gives a smirk

What is your least favorite drink? Fruity or sugary drinks

What is your favorite flavor of candy? I can't say that I ever have any but I'll have some chocolate covered strawberries from time to time

What is your favorite flavor of Ice cream? (raises an eyebrow) I said I didn't like sugary snacks didn't it?

What is your favorite activity? -smirks and then laughs- ok this is probably not the best question to ask me but just so I don't offend the kiddies out there... Ah wtf, I love a good lay LOL!

What is your least favorite activity? Having to clean up the mess afterwards -still laughing

What is your favorite Book? I'm not particularly fond of books but because we practically have a library at our house, I'd say "The anatomy of Chao"

What is your favorite Video Game? I cant say I really play them, but there was this one chick who was really into them once. I practically learned to play DDR on heavy in less than two days xD

What is your favorite Movie? Again not the best question, moving on!

What is your favorite Holiday? -in the best Dracula impression possible- "I vant to suck yer blood! BUAHAHAH"

What is your favorite time of day? Anytimes a good time for sexy time

What is your favorite type of weather? Warm with a cool breeze

What is your ideal vacation spot? I practically live in my own vacation spot, and there is no better place than Tartarus, the drinks are fine, the babes divine, and it's dark all the time ~

What is your favorite type music? Once again if it fits the mood, but I tend to lean toward lyrical raps

What is your least favorite type of music? I can't express how much I hate when music kills the mood -leans closer towards the interviewer- it really effin sucks! But if I had to pic a least eh, -shrugs

What is your favorite Word? -raises an eyebrow with smirk- .... Poooooootaaaaaaaaannnnnnngg

What is your favorite Phrase? 'Not many people know this... But I happen to be famous" "why yes, I am sexy, thank you for stating the obvious"

What is your favorite Quote? " "even on the highest throne in the universe, we are still sitting on our ass"

What is your favorite amusement park ride? The haunted house ride where the random things pop out at you.. But I have my reason for that |3

-Other Questions-

Can you sing? Yes, I'm a regular Casanova ;P

Can you swim? Yep, need to for those sexy female water chao xD

Do you have a Hobby(ies)? I have a pretty busy schedule, which consists of being a sexy douch, but I like to go the gym at night, when no ones around

Can you dance? You have to if you want to get the flexible girls, like i said before, I'm a regular Casanova, dancing comes with the job

Can you play a musical instrument?
Only slightly, I can play an acoustic guitar. Tried to get better at it, lost interest quickly

Describe yourself (honestly) in three words. sexy, charismatic, and gifted, if you know what I mean xD

What do you look for in a significant other? You're asking the wrong person here, significant other doesn't exist in my vocabulary, lol

Your significant other has a severe cold, how do you take care of them?
See above answer, however if my date was sick, -picks up date and drops her on his brothers bed- "as of now it's Edwards problem"

Do you imagine yourself having a family in the future? (If so, how big do you want it to be?) apparently somebody isn't listening -crosses arm in front of chest- kids and me don't mix, that's like trying to sophisticate Mikihisa :/

Do you see the glass half full or half empty? That depends on what drink is in the glass lol, but you know, I'm just too awesome to be a pessimist -crosses legs on top of table and leans back in a comfy position-

If you could have one wish, ANY wish, what would it be? Do you really want to know the answer to that, I think I'll leave that up to your imagination -holds back a laugh-

If you could get ANY object in the world what would it be and why? -shrugs- dunno, probably VIP access to any concert I wanted

If you could have ANY job in the Chao universe, what would it be and why? A Pimp! Nah I'm just shitting you, probably a personal trainer >;3

If you could get ANY gift for ANOTHER chao what gift would it be? It's my dick in a box! My dick in a box ~ (sings)

When was the last time you laughed and why? Last night me and Ri-....-cough- Rich...made jokes about dick sizes, -laughs at the memory- LOL

What Compliment do people give you the most? "Oooh Shay, you're soo sexy" -imitates girlish giggle-

What have you done that you’re most proud of? "32.. I'll let you dwell on that for a while" -cocky smirk-

What are some of your pet peeves? People's assumptions, clingy ness

What is a Quirk/Habit that you have? I guess I have a habit of pissing people off, but hey , it's not my fault they all jelly of my perfection. ;P

What is your happy place? I'm going to refrain from making a sex joke -shrugs and sighs- and just say 'Club' Red Moon

Who/What inspired you to be the person you are today? Me myself and my perfected smile -throws a sexy smirk, at the interviewer-

Aside from your family and Significant other who do you hang out with? Well I see Amy chao sometimes during the week, Kira comes and goes, Kokoro, now there's a fine piece of ass, Rich,

It's Halloween, what costume do you pick out? "I am a vampire bat so vampire it is, might as well stick with the motif that works, besides the ladies love the fangs"

What do you do when people aren’t looking? You don't want to hear the answer to this trust me xD

Do you have a dream and/or ambition? If so list them and describe why you wish to accomplish it.
I want a castle maybe the size of the elders, and a harem to fill that castle with... But seriously speaking I do have some ambitions, not that it's any of your business. -gets up and walks away, heading towards the cute receptionist.
Amy Chao
Amy Chao

Number of posts : 113
Location : Within the rising dead
Job/hobbies : I love my car |3
Rank : Smexy Veteran
Registration date : 2008-01-19

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